I come from learning and coaching fitness & different form of movements which includes free flow, capoeira, animal movements and contact dance! Once the fire connection happen, I started combining all the movements practices in my fire staff training.
Fire is sacred and has the ability to burn away everything that is holding us and restart our life.
In my practice I use the fire element not only as a performance but as this deep connection where I understand the essence of fire & the power she holds.
I treat fire practice as source of life, death & rebirth and give her the love and respect she deserves. I don’t want to hurt her or let her hurt me or anyone around. To conclude it’s a ceremonial space, performance is a byproduct of my practice.
Talent Card
Fire & Flow
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Capoeira, Contact Staff, Double Staff, Dragon Staff, Fire Dance
Clubs & Pubs, Wedding, Festival, Public Event, Cruise Ship, Corporate Event, Children Birthday, Private Party, Bachelor Party, Exhibition
English, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi
- No requirements
- I don’t need anything, I get everything on my own!
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open for any performance request
yes! I take performance requests and any choreography is accepted