Ace Mcdermott




Ace McDermott lived his life as a successful entertainer up until late 2016 when he suddenly found himself blessed with the capacity to engage techniques to interrupt the thought patterns of his clients. Ace discovered the vast reservoir of power that resides in each and every human being and developed techniques to unlock the energy within.

Global demand for his services grew in 2017 as he developed a reputation for enhancing peoples lives as he awakened their inner being.

Ace enables people and business owners to disrupt deep rooted limiting belief systems. In doing so, Ace enables his session participants to implement solid internal foundations that support improved health, wealth and all round success in everyday life.

Ace has worked with famed entertainers such as Celine Dion and Brad Pitt. His mission is to enable millions to reach their full potential by inviting peace and prosperity into their lives via Mind Interruption Techniques.

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Talent Card

Art Type:





Cardician, Cardist, Magician (Illusionist), Mentalist, Stage Magic

Events Type:

Festival, Public Event, Corporate Event, Private Party, Exhibition

Ace Mcdermott