Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Band, Duo, Guitarist, Singer (Vocalist), Songwriter
80s, 90s, Ballad, Classics, Commercial, Country, Covers, English, Funk, Jazz, Multi Genre, Party , Pop, R&B, Rock, Soul, Soulful, Top 40, Upbeat
Hotels & Restaurants, Clubs & Pubs, Wedding, Festival, Public Event, Cruise Ship, Corporate Event, Private Party, Exhibition
Most downloaded song on Vodacom network on the African continent
Various Number 1 hits -chart toppers on South African radio over the last 4 years
Various Number 1 hits -chart toppers on South African radio
Lady Litsa
Having been exposed and working alongside the world’s finest artists, whether itbe on a big stage, concerts, festivals or even the most intimate jamsessions, you are bound to get the very best performance each and every time.The extent of their joint portfolios include performances & collaborations on land &sea range from home of Cape Town to Mauritius, United Kingdom,Australia,Bahrain, Jordan, UAE, Oman to name but a few of their musical endeavorsabroad.Hotel & live performances include star-spangled Cape Town establishments andlively stints around the globe including The Living Room,The Ten Rooms , HiltonHotel Group, Madinat Jumeirah, Mina Salam, Kempinski, Anantara Hotel Group.