Cityboykiyan aka (Wali Madyun) is a young artist from Boston MA. He is 22 years old and started rapping and performing at the age of 13.
His Father & manager Skies aka (William Webb) started a(n) independent record label called O.I.C Records (On Instant Contact).
O.I.C is more of a family than a group/ label with Artists like (AJ, FLP22, P The Prince, & TTime) Currently Cityboykiyan is performing locally and working on collaborations with other local artists.
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Talent Card
United States of America
Rapper, Songwriter
Hip Hop, Rap, Story Telling
Clubs & Pubs, Public Event, Private Party
Group Members
P The Prince
Rapper , Artist, Songwriter, Brother
Rapper , Artist, Songwriter, Cousin
Rapper , Artist, Songwriter, Cousin
Rapper , Artist, Songwriter, Cousin